Ready. Set. Action. AE FT B4.1 Worlds Edition.

Another Wednesday in the books. It’s garbage day here at the VRC main office (doesn’t it feel like every day is garbage day?). What did we do today? We took our new 10mm fish-eye lens and hit the track for a photo s...
by Derek Buono


VRC_011 – See what you’ve been missing for just $1.99!

Two dollars can’t get you much these days, but it can get you more RC information, how-to’s, reviews, words, pretty pictures and expert advice than you can imagine. What’s not to love about the super low price...
by Jeff Eveleigh


Is Scale The New Thing?

All Hail Scale I’m old. It isn’t my graying (or disappearing) hair that gives it away, though.1 It’s that I’ve been around RC since I was about 8 years old, and that makes a solid 34 years of my being, in so...
by Derek Buono



Arrma Infraction Goes 80 mph off-road? No. Video review!

Sometimes a box tells a story, tells you what’s inside, or what it would like to be. In the case of the over-ambitious text on the website and box of the Arrma Infraction, it gives you hope that you can go off-road. Of co...
by Derek Buono


We test with M.I.P.

It’s always nice to do testing, and even more nice to do it with the company. We got a chance to run MIP’s new Pro4mance pack for the Losi Ten SCTE. This upgrade shed weight, moved the weight balanced and played wit...
by Derek Buono


Meet the new guy – Erich Reichert

We’re always trying to get a bigger staff. We’ve taken all the pills, and watched all the videos….wait. Wrong forum. Velocity RC Cars Magazine, the world’s #1 digital only RC magazine, would like to welc...
by Derek Buono