So here we are again. Just you, me and about everybody on the planet online reading about RC Cars again. Over the past year the world has been pretty interesting. We’ve had natural disasters, wars, terrorist’s being picked off, companies going out of business and while all this goes on RC cars seem like a great escape.
What we all get to witness here is the birth of a new project. Lot’s of people seem to forget when a company was formed, and never get to watch the house being built. Well, this is one of those rare instances that the internet let’s us all see what goes on instantly. Maybe they should have called the thing the Inster-net.
Velocity RC Magazine isn’t a website, it’s more. It’s a collection of people who have lead the industry for years, helped shape and mold it a bit, and even junk punched it a few times (you have to do that to keep it honest). My blog will be a random collection of what I feel, what is going on and generally a waste of time. But sometimes when you get home from work, feel like you’re a few bucks short this month, don’t feel like talking, or generally want to just read some BS about BS, it doesn’t seem all that bad to waste a few minutes right?
This industry has been good to me, and that means a lot to, not only me, but our entire team. So, sit back, grab a “beverage” of your choice and read the magazine. Read all our blogs, read the news. RC is a great industry, great hobby and we’re happy to have you in it with us.