Tamiya Bruiser – Legendary

If you’re old enough to remember this truck…you’re old. The Bruiser just landed in our office and it’s headed over to Dave for a build and a review (something special too). We cant’ wait to play wi...
by Derek Buono


Tekno EB-48 – Cool Buggy Needs a NEW name.

Tekno has been winning on the track without you knowing. They were in the beginning movement of 1/8-scale electric and their conversions were used by most drivers…but they probably didn’t tell you. Tekno decided the...
by Derek Buono


Paul King Shows you the “diff”erence

Velocity RC Magazine Issue_003 is coming soon, and in that next issue we will have another in depth article featuring World Champion Pit Dad Paul King and what he does to Cody King’s diffs. Simple, smart and only found in...
by Derek Buono



TAMIYA Super Awesome Fun Time Volkswagen

Our good friend Fred from Tamiya sent us a list of new cars that would be good for potential reviews in our first issue of VRC Mag and I immediately fell in love with this Volkswagon Type2 Wheelie!!!! It just showed up in the o...
by Derek Buono


Need Nitro? We Got the Durango DNX408V2

Who doesn’t love a good old V2? Electric has been raging lately and nitro has been sitting around on the bench. We got some requests for “more nitro” so we used our direct line to Team Durango and got one drop...
by Derek Buono


M.I.P…Let’s kick it! Pro4mance chassis for Losi SC

Don’t sweat the Vanilla Ice reference…we’re old like that. M.I.P has been quiet for years, but now has stirred up some new tricks with a lot of new products. The most surprising is a performance upgrade for th...
by Derek Buono