Welcome to Velocity RC Magazine!
To help everybody buy their first Velocity RC Magazine we thought we’d walk everybody through the steps. We feel the process is easy, but we do understand that the first time might be a little confusing. After you do it once, everything should make sense!
Step 1-Click the Issue #1, or the Magazine – Current Issue tab on our website
Step 2-Simply click the BUY IT NOW BUTTON, or Link on that page
Step 3–After you clicked Buy-It-Now you will be directed to a PAYPAL page to pay for the magazine– just $1.99 an issue! You DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT TO PAY you can use any valid credit card.
Step 4–Immediately after paying you will be directed to a download link on that same screen. This is where you can download the magazine to your PC or Mac desktop. Tablet users you must use the link provided to you in the confirmation email! Save that link as a favorite!
Step 5-A confirmation email is sent to your PAYPAL email address. In this email is the link to download the issue (you can install it on every computer you own) and the link to the Tablet/Smart phone viewer.Please save that link in your favorites, or keep the email.
Step 6-After you download the ZIP file, you simply double-click that file (it is self extracting and creates a folder) and move that folder to where you want to store this, and all future issues of the magazine.
Step 7– To launch the magazine simply open that folder and click either START file you need. MACs must use the one labeled MAC and PC the one labeled PC.
Step 8-The magazine launches (FLASH PLAYER IS REQUIRED) and you can enjoy the magazine by either clicking the turn page arrows or turning the page with your mouse. Simple and easy!
You can download the link for the next 48 hours so if you buy it at work, you can view the online link immediately and download the magazine when you get home!
If you have any questions or concerns about this procedure please email derek@vrcmag.com and we’ll help you out. Thank you for purchasing the magazine!