This issue was a soul searching, character building, nightmare. I though we’d get past the COVID issues from the last issue but it didn’t happen. But good news, this issue is out and we’ve upgrade a few things to get back on track and continue the magazine into the future. What’s in this issue? Features […]
2020 was a nightmare, and it looks like we screwed up the start of 2021…at least for us. This issue comes late unless you just subscribed…then it’s on time. Inside you’ll find our review of the amazing Element RC Builders Edition GateKeeper. Sure we technically ran it almost a year ago, but it might be […]
Many have been stuck inside for months, or you’re out partying like it’s 1999. Either way, a good RC read is always satisfying. In this issue, we’ve got some strange reviews. One of the Comical Tamiya Avante which is now AWD! Arrma has been batting 1,000 with some sick releases and we finally got our […]
Velocity RC Cars Magazine Issue 40 – VRC_040 It’s summer, or is it spring. Life has been hard on this planet for some, but somehow we still make a magazine. What’s the best part of this issue? No, it’s not the rad reviews, or the servo article…sure it might be the paint article we ran […]
“We’ll do it live!” We have no script, no ideas, and just babble about RC cars every Monday at 5:30pm. Derek, Jeff, Peter and some special guests get together, drink a beer, and discuss over 30 years of being in the RC world. Missed a show? Don’t worry. You can rewatch the live stream on […]
Trail/Adventure/Scale whatever trucks you want to call them, they are huge. They have been huge. The industry’s racing legends have been mad at this class for 10 years, but now they are everywhere. This issue we celebrate the...
Our magazine isn’t just about us showing you what to do, it’s about YOU showing us what you do. There are so many talented, and not so talented, RC enthusiasts out there we’d be dumb to say our stuff is better...
Making a magazine isn’t easy, it’s a lot of work that looks like a bunch of words on a page and some photos from a flip phone. This issue is just that…kidding. We’re always trying to put lots of great content together t...
The 1980’s gave us lots, but if you grew up in that era RC cars were like seeing aliens. Tamiya cars inspired many of us and the GrassHopper was one vehicle that every old fart over 40 wanted. Now it’s 2019 and we...
Our hobby is 2 parts – one part driving and the other spending ours repairing, upgrading, tuning, cleaning, and sitting in the garage with a beer pretending to do all of those things. We’ve been creating content for the...
Summer is over, and some may be happy and some may be mad. But what continues is our sickness that can be only cured with more VRC Magazine. This issue is a cornucopia of RC content. You know that thing you learned about in 3rd...
The never ending battle between nitro and electric is like Game of Thrones. You want the naked one with the dragon to win, but you sort of like the little guy too. None of that makes sense, but this issue of VRC Magazine delive...
The “.1” Editions of AE vehicles are like the “S” editions of the iPhone. Faster and better. We tested the buggy at Thunder Alley Raceway with Engineer TJ Eller to see just how the changes work. The full...