A Star is Born

Velocity is here!! Our first issue has hit the digital newsstand! Be the first from your race team to rip through our pages at the speed of electrons. Buy Velocity RC Magazine Issue #1 Now
by Derek Buono


Velocity RC Cars Issue #42 – Download Now! Just $2.99

2020 was a nightmare, and it looks like we screwed up the start of 2021…at least for us. This issue comes late unless you just subscribed…then it’s on time. Inside you’ll find our review of the amazing E...
by Derek Buono


VRC_009 – It’s like liquid knowledge, only digital.

VRC_009, need we say more? Ok, we will then. Now seems like a good time to download the newest bundle of electrons in the form of RC knowledge. We hammered out another packed issue with enough RC awesomeness to fulfill your add...
by Jeff Eveleigh



VRC Magazine Issue #43 – Download Now!

This issue was a soul searching, character building, nightmare. I though we’d get past the COVID issues from the last issue but it didn’t happen. But good news, this issue is out and we’ve upgrade a few things to get back...
by Derek Buono


VRC_012 Wants Your Eyes to Read it!

VRC_012 is over 150 pages of pure RC you’ll fall in love with! Relive younger memories with our Retro Cell article, catch up on the latest chassis’ with 30 pages of reviews, paint a sick body with chalk, learn suspe...
by Jeff Eveleigh


VRC_013 Available For Instant Download!

Wonderful things happen every day when you play with RC cars. Today, VRC_013 will make whatever day you are having better. How about over 120 pages of RC insanity packed into a tiny little file? Get an instant download and feel...
by Derek Buono