

LEARN OFF-ROAD DROOP words: Joseph Quagraine photos: Joseph Quagraine DOWN-TRAVEL, ALSO KNOWN AS DROOP, IS, IN MY OPINION, AN EVEN MORE CRITICAL SETUP PARAMETER TO GET RIGHT THAN RIDE HEIGHT; EVEN SO, IT IS OFTEN OVERLOOKED. I feel that it makes a bigger difference in the handling than many settings, and thus, it should be visited often when searching for the perfect suspension setup. It affects the way the car jumps, lands, corners, and flips—or does not flip—over. Let’s see what it’s all about. 94 WWW.VRCMAG.COM THINGS TO KNOW SKILL LEVEL 3 TIME NEEDED 5 MINs TOOLS _Calipers _Hex driver, usually 2mm _Setup board/flat surface _Optional: blocks to place car on, and droop tool _Optional: steel ruler, where 0 is right at the end We welcome one of our newest contributors. GETTING DOWN WITH THE TRAVEL

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