This issue was a soul searching, character building, nightmare. I though we’d get past the COVID issues from the last issue but it didn’t happen. But good news, this issue is out and we’ve upgrade a few things to get back on track and continue the magazine into the future. What’s in this issue? Features […]
2020 was a nightmare, and it looks like we screwed up the start of 2021…at least for us. This issue comes late unless you just subscribed…then it’s on time. Inside you’ll find our review of the amazing Element RC Builders Edition GateKeeper. Sure we technically ran it almost a year ago, but it might be […]
Many have been stuck inside for months, or you’re out partying like it’s 1999. Either way, a good RC read is always satisfying. In this issue, we’ve got some strange reviews. One of the Comical Tamiya Avante which is now AWD! Arrma has been batting 1,000 with some sick releases and we finally got our […]
Velocity RC Cars Magazine Issue 40 – VRC_040 It’s summer, or is it spring. Life has been hard on this planet for some, but somehow we still make a magazine. What’s the best part of this issue? No, it’s not the rad reviews, or the servo article…sure it might be the paint article we ran […]
“We’ll do it live!” We have no script, no ideas, and just babble about RC cars every Monday at 5:30pm. Derek, Jeff, Peter and some special guests get together, drink a beer, and discuss over 30 years of being in the RC world. Missed a show? Don’t worry. You can rewatch the live stream on […]
Issue #25 features (available for download on 4/28) the full review of the JQ Racing THECar Black Edition. The 1/8-scale segment is packed with good choices, but this small company from Finland wants you to be a part of his gan...
This editorial is featured in VRC_024. A full feature article on interviewing the industry on this can be read. Want to read it? Just buy the newest issue and join us. Sponsorship – State of the Union I wanted to be spons...
An RC Car is an amazing piece of modern engineering. Fast, almost unbreakable and more affordable than ever. Yet tomorrow we can all race cars online and further become socially awkward. So get outside and interact with what ot...
Hobby Fragmentation The other day I was talking to a manufacturer who I hadn’t spoken with in a long time. It was a quick “Hey, what’s up?” call to reintroduce him to what we call “a magazine.” His reply to my askin...
What do you get when you strap big Pro-Line Racing wheels, and a insane Team Tekin brushless system and a big 4 Battery? You get wheels that grow! Check out the video review of the Tekno MT410 and then look for VRC_024 to ...
Scale or trail, whatever you call it, it’s a growing classes in RC. The guys at RC4WD have been quietly offering up a quality rig that allows you to look good and hit the trails. Start stock and go crazy with tuning, or d...
Eat a candy cane, open some presents, hug your family, pet your dog, then charge up a battery and play RC! Enjoy a safe and happy holiday if this is one that you celebrate. From the Velocity RC Magazine team, we wish you a very...
We touch/feel RC cars all day, but yet we still want more! Here’s our list for Santa. What do you want for Christmas? Your first kit? How about an RTR? We even think if you want to dabble in drone racing it’s okay. ...