Velocity RC Mag fired up the cameras and pointed them at World Champ Mark Pavidis from AKA to see how to glue RC tires the proper way. Check out our YouTube vid and the full article coming in VRC Issue #2 that will be hitting d...
I am a huge fan of Formula 1. Why the RC class has had trouble launching into superstar status is baffling really. They are scale, fast, and pretty cheap to run. Recently, Jeff asked me to take some shots for an article that re...
Here’s your chance to SELL Velocity RC Cars Magazine and make money. There’s nothing to do, no door-to-door. No calling anybody. Simply sign up for our Affiliate program and earn up to $2/subscription just for havin...
MIP has been releasing innovative products within this hobby for decades; the racing vets will remember their 3-gear RC10 transmission that was a must-have back in the Associated 6-gear days, and the old RC10 4WD conversion is ...
Can’t paint? No problem, VRC Mag will show you how to slap together a relatively simple rattle-can paint job with external stickers that will look way better than that one-color-wonder you’ve been rocking for the pa...
Short Course trucks are king of the hobby right now, with their popularity continuing to grow unabated. The large tarp-style body of an SC has a well-known problem of parachuting over larger jumps, with many people Swiss-cheesi...